M. Sakthi Balan, Kamala Krithivasan, Mutyam Madhu:
Some Variants in Communication of Parallel Communicating Pushdown Automata401–416
Björn Borchardt, Heiko Vogler:
Determinization of Finite State Weighted Tree Automata417–463
Flavio D'Alessandro:
On the Complexity of Simon Automata over the Dyck Language465–476
Mark Daley, Oscar H. Ibarra, Lila Kari, Ian Mcquillan, Koji Nakano:
The LD and DLAD Bio-Operations on Formal Languages477–498
Frank Drewes, Sigrid Ewert, Renate Klempien-Hinrichs, Hans-Jörg Kreowski:
Computing Raster Images from Grid Picture Grammars499–519
Chen-Ming Fan, Huei-Jan Shyr:
Languages Related to the Properties of Disjunctivity and Code521–538
Balázs Imreh, Csanád Imreh, Masami Ito:
On Monotonic Directable Nondeterministic Automata539–547